30 Day Praise Challenge Week 3: A Continual Sacrifice

Praise can and should be a regular overflow of my life.  It’s a decision, a choice to turn my thoughts outside of myself, my circumstances, my disappointments and to turn them to the Lord.

It’s in the praising that I find joy.  It’s in thankfulness and reflection that my heart can be quieted.  It’s in Christ that I can stand when the cares of life threaten to push me over.

I was reminded of a verse in Hebrews:

“Through him {Jesus} then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.”  Hebrews 13:15

Praise is to be ongoing.  It’s not something that starts and stops because we feel like it.  Praise is a sacrifice, an act that requires giving, concentration, deliberateness.

Just as I choose to not be anxious, to forgive those who have wronged me, to find my worth in God’s eyes, to run to Jesus as the One who can satisfy every longing of my heart–and do these over and over again–so must I offer my praise to God.

So today, may we make a deliberate decision to praise God and praise Him over and over again.

I was encouraged by my friend’s post yesterday about how God used one of the days of praise in her life.  Go visit her blog and be blessed.