• 7 Obstacles to Bible Study & How to Overcome them {Part 2}

      This is the second part in a two-part post, listing 7 common obstacles to Bible study and some practical tips on how to overcome them.  You can find the first post here.  Have you ever heard a runner say, “I just NEED to go for a run”?  As someone who struggles with a regular exercise routine, this statement always made me skeptical.  I would mentally judge them, thinking they were saying this just to sound good and for others to praise the intensity of their commitment.  It seemed ridiculous to me that a person would feel like running was a necessity.   When I trained for a half marathon…

  • 7 Obstacles to Bible Study & How to Overcome them {Part 1}

      Exercising regularly does not come easily to me.  Growing up I was always involved in sports:  soccer in the fall and spring, basketball in the winter, swim team in the summer.  My life was a constant workout, at least it felt that way.  But then I got older, had a job, became a Mom, and when organized sports were no longer in the picture neither was exercise.  Any kind of regular workout routine was a chore.  And I could come up with all the excuses in the world as to why I just couldn’t make this a priority in my life.     Last fall I decided to train…

  • What your soul needs more than anything else

      Last fall I was asked to sit on a panel of several women for a women’s event at church.   The topic of discussion was “How to fill yourself up in order to pour out.”  One of the questions we were given ahead of time was to choose an area of life–physical, mental, social, spiritual, or emotional–and talk about what we do to fill up in that area.   Thinking through the answer to this, and other questions, had me searching for just the right response.  It had been a few years since I had spoken to a group of women, and I felt the responsibility of being honest…