Hey! I’m so glad you’re here!
I’m Lauren and I want to help you apply God’s Word to your everyday moments so you will know and love Christ more.
There’s often a disconnect between what we know about God and how we live our daily lives. One minute we trust God’s love for us and fully delight in him, but five minutes later we doubt his goodness and seek to satisfy our souls in the temporary pleasures of the world.
Well, maybe you don’t struggle like this, but I do. So, as I continue to learn how to live within this tension, I want to bring you along. As I write about my own life—marriage, motherhood, faith, and grief—I hope to demonstrate how the truth of God’s Word can help us face the joys and challenges of everyday life.
We need God’s Word. Because it teaches us about God and points us to Jesus. When we grow in our knowledge of his Word, we grow to understand what it means to be in Christ. And as we experience the power of Christ in us we will respond in love for him. God’s grace to us in Christ changes us daily. What love.
My husband and I have been married for almost sixteen years, and we have six children, ages four to thirteen. We currently live in Norfolk, Virginia, several blocks from the Chesapeake Bay but still within city limits. I love good coffee, deep conversations, a full dining room table, and cold sheets.
I hope you find truth, joy, and hope here. And I pray you grow to love Jesus more as a result of the words I write.

Each month I send out a newsletter with a brief devotional, books I’m reading, links of great resources curated just for you, and five of my favorite things. I’d love for you to join the list! My monthly newsletter is truly my favorite place to write. Hope to see you there!