4 Simple Painting Tips

The past week has been a flurry of projects as I’m trying to wrap up the major decor items in the girls’ bedroom.  Thankfully, the painting is finished! {well, I should say it’s almost finished.  There are about 24 inches of the highest part of the vaulted walls yet to be painted, but we’re going to wait to get a taller ladder and do that at the same time as the nursery}.  My part is done, though!  I even had enough paint to paint the upstairs bathroom the same color!  Woohoo!!  Bye-bye builder’s grade paint 🙂

Since I’ve had paint on the brain this week, I thought I would give you a few tips for painting.  I am by no means an expert painter, but I have learned a couple things that have been extremely helpful in my painting endeavors.

1. Use a handled cup with a magnetic bar for cutting in trim.  The first time I painted a room I think I used a plastic cup when I painted around the trim.  This proved to be quite messy, and definitely not professional.  When we moved into this house and started painting, we discovered these handy little paint ‘mugs’.  There is a magnetic piece on the inside that your trim brush will stick to {the metal part} so that your brush and paint are all in one small and secure place.

2. Purchase a teflon lined paint tray.  This has proven to be a wonderful investment for us!  Once the paint has dried in the pan, it pulls off so easily.  See image below for proof.

I don’t know what brand we have, but here is one that I found on Lowes.com, in case you’re looking to buy one.


3. Store paint laden rollers and brushes in ziploc bags in the fridge.  If you’re painting a room and don’t have time to do it all at one time, instead of washing out the rollers/brushes every time, simply put them in a bag, refrigerate, and they’ll be ready to use when you have another spare moment.  I even used several plastic grocery bags for my roller this time, and it worked just fine.

4. Keep baby wipes handy for cleaning spills.  A wet rag or paper towel will work fine too, but I have found that baby wipes are perfect for wiping paint drips off of trim.

Just a few quick tips for you that will hopefully help save you some time when painting.

{For those who may be wondering, this is NOT the paint color that I used in the girls’ bedroom!  This was a Glidden paint I received free last year and used it to paint the laundry room.  I haven’t gotten any further than that in my laundry room, which is why you haven’t seen any pictures of it on this little blog.  Maybe some day…}

What painting tips do you have?


  • Cassidy

    fun! i can’t wait to come see what you’ve done! let’s see… my favorite painting tip is more of a tool. a little shorty 2″ angled brush is pure magic for cutting in. (i don’t even use tape anymore!)

  • Lindsey

    I read a great painting tip today … after I finished painting a room, of course. Paint floor to ceiling. In other words, don’t paint the upper part all the way around and then retrace your steps to paint the lower part (like when you take the roller extender off). Also (and this will help you when you go to finish painting later on) if you need to paint in two steps, like painting a ceiling or high walls, use a dry roller to help blend in the freshly painted area to the already painted ares.
    Can’t wait to see! 🙂

  • Natalie

    Wow I had never seen the magnetic strip inside the painting cup. I need to get one! I have used the paint roller in the fridge trick a number of times!

  • sherri lynn

    I like that teflon lined paint tray! It would be fun to peel off all that paint, too 🙂 I can’t wait to see the girls’ bedroom finished! Way to go on getting your painting job done!

  • RebeccaV

    These are great – I’m getting ready to tackle a room in our house and these will come in handy! Thanks for sharing – I hadn’t heard of the brush in the fridge trick!