Day 18 :: Even on the hard days, God is faithful
“I thought today was going to be relaxing.”
Mallory, my almost six year old, said this to me as she watched me scrubbing the three dozen eggs that had been cracked all over the kitchen floor yesterday.
Five minutes of being unattended and my youngest two can find the most interesting ways to occupy their time. Often this means a big mess.
Then, later on in the day, while attempting to plunge the clogged downstairs toilet, instead of fixing the problem, the toilet filled up and began spilling water all over the bathroom floor. It wouldn’t stop. After completely sopping about 10 towels and trying to scoop out toilet water and dump it into the tub, I realized that I could turn the water off to the toilet.
Of course these things happen when my husband is gone.
And then Mason fell from the top rung of the jungle gym ladder right before dinner. Thankfully, he was fine, but by the end of the day, this Mama was TIRED.
While we were waiting for our replacement eggs and ice cream in the pickup line at the grocery store (praise the Lord for online shopping and the fact that I don’t have to get out of my car, especially on days like yesterday!), one of my favorite songs came on.
“Faithful, forever You are faithful…”
God is faithful. Always. When life is hard. When life is easy. When I’m tired. When I get a good night’s sleep. When eggs are spilled and toilets overflow.
“Faithful, forever You are faithful, shelter for the fragile soul…”
What a blessing that God is our shelter when we feel fragile. Regardless of the severity of the issue we’re facing, our fragile souls can find rest, comfort, strength, and shelter in the arms of a faithful and loving God.
On this Sunday, may you be reminded of the faithful God that we serve.
May you find rest in Him.
May your soul be sheltered in His faithfulness.
(Click on the video to hear the song that was such a comfort to me last night).
This is Day 18 of a series “Lessons for my Daughters”. Click here for a complete list of posts.

Bless your heart Lauren, what a day!! You are such an inspiration, and I am thankful for your example as I watch you sweetly respond to these types of situations! Thanks for the the encouraging post of reminding us of the only ONE who is always faithful! Keep on, you are doing a great job! Your children will thank you one day for being the amazing mother you are!! 🙂