Fabric for the Nursery: Purchased!

A huge thank you to everyone who voted on the fabric choices I mentioned a couple weeks ago.  I thought my mind was made up, and over the weekend, Bradley and I were discussing the nursery again, trying to figure out what we wanted to do.  I had purchased some curtains at Target {on clearance} and thought about cutting them up to make the baby bedding.  Then, when I went online to compare it to my favorite fabric choice, I noticed that Premier Prints fabrics were on sale!!  I quickly perused the options and we definitely liked what we saw.  I had seen these fabrics before, but they were a bit too pricey, so I had ruled them out.  I took the plunge yesterday and ordered the fabric; it should arrive by the end of this week!

So, are you curious as to what I chose??  I ordered some of each of these fabrics, and will put them together, along with some solid white fabric I already have, to create the nursery bedding, window treatment, and other accessories.

What do you think?