• 9 Things I Learned This Summer

        We are closing in on the final days of Summer here, with just four full days of no schedule remaining.  I find myself both sad to lose the carefree nature of no school, but also ready to get back into the regular rhythm of all the things.  The kids are very eager for Tuesday to come, but it’s…

  • The Spiritual Discipline of Remembering

      They say nothing really prepares you for motherhood.  Almost nine years in, and five kids later, I agree.  I read the books, I asked the questions, I watched those ahead of me on the path. And yet when I started having babies I had to figure everything out.  The nursing, the quieting down a screaming infant, learning how each…

  • Natali’s Bohemian Style!

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur laoreet cursus volutpat. Aliquam sit amet ligula et justo tincidunt laoreet non vitae lorem. Aliquam porttitor tellus enim, eget commodo augue porta ut. Maecenas lobortis ligula vel tellus sagittis ullamcorper. Vestibulum pellentesque cursus risus, in ultrices odio. Morbi dui metus, fringilla quis urna vitae, fringilla tristique nibh. Donec ultrices est ut…

  • Start Day Positive

    Cras eget elit convallis est condimentum congue non id sem. Proin metus dui, eleifend id mollis quis, pulvinar in metus. Nulla pharetra sapien ultricies dui blandit, eget condimentum tortor rhoncus. Donec gravida leo neque, ac consequat diam dignissim ut. In ligula felis, tempus vel est ut, pellentesque fermentum ligula. Proin at dui sagittis, rutrum velit in, fermentum nisl. Donec sagittis,…

  • The Secret to a Loving Family

        Bradley and I have a recurring conversation about raising our family, and it usually takes place after watching an episode of Parenthood, or when all of our children are playing together, having fun and getting along.  We’ll look at one another and say, “This is great.  I hope these kids stay friends like this forever.  What can we do…

  • 9 Things I Learned this Spring

        Spring is winding down and with it comes another round-up of things we learned with Emily.  The silly, the serious, and whatever those things are that leave a mark on life is a practice that I enjoy and has taught me to pay attention to every aspect of my life.  I hope that these lessons I share here will…

  • How to Study Your Bible Using a Notebook & a Pen

        When I entered sixth grade, I began attending the youth group at our church and started learning about this thing called “Daily Quiet Time”.  At the beginning of the school year we were given a quiet time diary which contained a Bible reading plan for the entire year.  Each day had a passage of Scripture and then lined spaces to…

  • 7 Obstacles to Bible Study & How to Overcome them {Part 2}

      This is the second part in a two-part post, listing 7 common obstacles to Bible study and some practical tips on how to overcome them.  You can find the first post here.  Have you ever heard a runner say, “I just NEED to go for a run”?  As someone who struggles with a regular exercise routine, this statement always…

  • 7 Obstacles to Bible Study & How to Overcome them {Part 1}

      Exercising regularly does not come easily to me.  Growing up I was always involved in sports:  soccer in the fall and spring, basketball in the winter, swim team in the summer.  My life was a constant workout, at least it felt that way.  But then I got older, had a job, became a Mom, and when organized sports were…

  • 3 Tips on how to read your Bible when you have young children

      Before I had children there were certain rhythms in my life that came easily.  I had a job that required occasional long hours and frequent travel, but for the most part alone time was available whenever I wanted, to do as I pleased.  Even with the demands of a job, being a wife, and keeping our home in order,…