• Toddler Bib from a Hand Towel

    About four months ago, I stumbled upon a tutorial for a toddler bib by Amy at Positively Splendid.  I loved the she had a bib I could make following a simple pattern and applying bias tape. I had read that children with Down Syndrome can have a difficult time learning how to eat, and that it can get pretty messy.  This is definitely the case with Mason.  He’s a good eater, but we go through one bib at every feeding, and sometimes I feel like I should be wearing a bib too!  This toddler bib fits snugly around his neck, and covers his entire torso, keeping the food that spills…

  • No-Slip Baby Girl Hair Bows

    One of my goals this year is to become a pro at making hairbows.  We live in the South, and although I don’t require my girls to wear bows every day, or even to church every week, I do like to have a collection of bows for them to wear.  I’ve chosen not to fight this battle with them.  My 3 year old is a pig tail lovin’ girl, and I’m okay with that.   Believe it or not, I used to make and sell hair bows for a children’s boutique when we lived in Monterey, CA.    It was a fun little side business, and because of that I…

  • Handmade Felt Food

    One of my projects this month has been to clean out and organize my sewing room.  In doing so, I discovered quite a few unfinished projects.  So, next on the list is to finish these projects.  Last week I finally wrapped one up!   Two years ago I purchased a pattern and supplies to make felt play food for my daughters.  We were anticipating a move, which would mean room for a kitchen set and I wanted them to have food to play with.  I pinned the fabric to the pattern pieces and then stuck them in a box for two years.  I have thought about it from time to…

  • Make Your Own Baby Food

    One of the things that I’ve really enjoyed during with all three of my children is making baby food.  For some this might sound like a horrible waste of time.  ‘Why make baby food when you can purchase it so easily from the store?’ There are many reasons that people choose to make their own baby food.  Mine is not for health purposes necessarily, although I do like knowing exactly what is in the food I’m feeding my baby.  My reasons are primarily two-fold: 1. It’s a bit more economical.2. I enjoy it. My general rule of thumb in grocery shopping is to only buy produce {and meat} that is…

  • 12 Edible Gifts

    I’m taking a bit of a blogging break while I’m out of town for a few days.  Instead of sharing some of the things I’ve made for Christmas, and didn’t photograph before I left, I rounded up some edible gifts for you.  These are great for neighbors, co-workers, friends, or even to package up and send to your favorite person who might live very far away {hint-hint, someone could send something to me!} Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites source Gingerbread Biscotti source Oreo Cookie Bark source Terribly Terrific Toffee source Soup Mix in a Jar source Homemade Granola source Blueberry Tea Scone Mix source Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix source All-Purpose Spice…

  • Only From Scratch Christmas

    Unlike most bloggers out there, my Christmas tree is not decorated.  The pumpkins are still on my front porch, and the only thing I’ve done so far to get ready for Christmas is to take the boxes out of the attic. It’s not even December yet!  So, I don’t really feel behind.  Yesterday I helped some ladies decorate the church and that got me excited to start decorating our home for the holidays.  The girls are eager to have a Christmas tree and lights, which I hope is going to happen tonight. Next week, I’ll start posting some Christmas things that are happening around our home.  I’ve got some craft…

  • A Little Ramble and Fall is Here!

    Whew!  The past week has been quite crazy around here.  All 3 kiddos have been sick, and Mason ended up in the hospital Friday/Saturday with pneumonia.  Poor little guy!  It sure is tough to watch your children struggle to breathe!  He was a trooper, though, and barely even cried while on oxygen all night, getting meds throughout the night, and being handled by lots of people.  He was hands down the cutest patient in the hospital that night!  Thankfully, he’s on the mend and it seems like we may be back to ‘normal’, whatever that is. Since I spent most of Friday and Saturday at the hospital, I didn’t finish…

  • Pinterest Inspired Project: DIY Ruffled Tote Bag

    Ever since I joined Pinterest last year, I’ve enjoyed finding great ideas, being inspired, and collecting lots of pins for my boards.  Recently, my goal has been to actually do something with all of that inspiration that’s gathered. My plan was to put together tote bags for the girls for when our baby was born.  Inside would be little handmade matching outfits to wear to the hospital for their first visit, some little gifts to occupy their time while I was in the hospital, and some candy.  So, I cut out the fabric for these little bags, and my son was born the next day, 2 weeks early.  Needless to…

  • Grace’s Sweet Life, a Collection of Italian Desserts

    Soon after Mason was born, I was sent a cookbook to review.  The book, Grace’s Sweet Life arrived just before we headed out of town, so I took it along to peruse during the ride.  Let me just tell you, our mouths were watering after reading the first few recipes!  Bradley made me read aloud each recipe {not all the directions, just title and ingredients} and we had a blast! via The recipes in this book vary between quite complicated {something to make when you have lots of time} to quite simple, but each one would be delicious and make you appear as a gourmet chef.  The step-by-step instructions make…

  • Getting it Together, Phase 1

    You might remember my post in January, One Step Closer to a Well-Managed Home, where I talked about a Household Management Notebook.  Our printer went out right after that post, so I never was able to print out my lists and that project just got pushed to the back burner.  We recently replaced the printer {just a few days ago} and I’m spending some days at my parents’ house with the kids, so I’m now able to work on this and actually get it done.  It’s time.  I need some organization and a better sense of ‘having it together’ not just for me, but for my children. Cleanliness in my…