Day 14 :: Sometimes We Need Courage

There are times in life if we want to thrive, we have to be bold, brave, and step out with courage.

My friend, Laura, has been writing a series on courage this month.  I met Laura in 2005 during training with a mission board.  We had some good talks during the two weeks that we went through training as we both wrestled with where and how God was leading us.  I wound up staying stateside, working for that mission board.  And Laura ended on the mission field.  I’ve enjoyed keeping up with her journey of service as God has led her in different ways.  Laura has been faithful to the Lord’s leading in her life, she’s faced some hard things, and from the glimpses that I get into her life, I think she strives to truly thrive through it all.  She currently serves as a missionary in Ireland.

Come on over to The Adventure of Life today and read about what I wrote on Courage in Family and Parenting.

For a list of all posts in this series go here.