Day 31 :: Concluding Thoughts
This month has been a fun challenge for me to try and write on the same topic every day. At the beginning, I wasn’t sure if I would make it through the whole month, but here we are and I didn’t miss a single day. I made a deal with myself that I would only keep going if it wasn’t interfering with my family’s needs. The other part of the deal was that I had to enjoy it. I’m thankful to say that I kept both ends of the deal with myself
But, here are some of my concluding thoughts on Made to Pour, Living a life of Blessing, and the #write31days challenge:
1. There is MUCH more about living a life of blessing than I have written in these blog posts. I crammed some of my thoughts into my posts, but many more are swirling in my head, and surely there are things that I’m still yet to learn. It’s a process.
2. My family is teaching me how to be a blesser as I live with them every day.
I asked Mallory one day, “What makes you happy?” Her answer? “Eating doughnuts makes me happy.” So, one of the ways I’ve learned to bless her is by doing fun things throughout the day. She often gets lost in the shuffle of Isabella’s schooling and Mason’s therapy. When I plan specific things for her to enjoy in the midst of running errands, she lights up. We get muffins or doughnuts from the coffee shop, throw coins in the fountain, she puts the groceries in the cart at the store, and she even enjoys helping me clean the house. I’m learning to understand each of my children and strive to minister to their hearts in special ways.
Mason–oh my, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to count the number of lessons I’ve learned from him. Recently, though, he’s been teaching me that being a blesser is rejoicing with others. He finds great delight in others’ happiness. He loves watching kids play on the park and wants to join right in with them. If we laugh, he laughs, and usually he has no idea what’s so funny. Everyone we encounter is a friend to him and he eagerly waves and says “Hi” to each person we pass by. He doesn’t hold back his joy, and I’m learning that in this freedom he feels, other people find delight in the things that make him happy.
Isabella thrives on playing with the kids in our neighborhood. It doesn’t matter who is out there, she wants to have fun with each one and says, ‘Goodbye! We’ll play with you tomorrow!’ a million times when we call her in for dinner each night. If her friends are thirsty, she runs inside, fills up cups with ice and water and brings them a drink. She gives without hesitation and her joy in giving inspires me. She loves her siblings well, and each of them adore her! There is clapping and exclaiming from all of them when we pick her up from school each day.
Jennavieve is our little firecracker right now. She can be full of delight one minute and cranky the next. But she loves her brother. Their relationship is precious and each day as I observe them I get to see firsthand what it means to love someone unconditionally. Yes, they steal each other’s toys and get mad at one another, but they have a bond that won’t be broken and I love it.
My husband (I mentioned him earlier this month as one of my amazing blessers) just keeps on. The sacrifices he makes for our family are wonderful and I couldn’t be more thankful for a husband who fiercely loves each one of us.
3. I cannot continue to write a blog post every day. This was not a new realization to me, but having it confirmed was quite helpful. My new blog should be launched very soon (stay tuned for more info on that next week!!) and I’ve been thinking through how I’m going to make that transition. Knowing my limits is wonderful as I look toward making my new blog really be a place where I can write, and hopefully write well. Yes, challenging myself to write everyday certainly helped in some ways, but in this season of my life, it’s just not realistic on a regular basis.
4. There might be a few more posts coming on this topic, specifically some stories that I’d like to share with you. The nice thing about writing on a blog is that you’re not limited to a number of pages or confined by a publisher’s deadlines and restrictions. I can write whatever I want, whenever, and I can keep writing about living a life of blessing as God teaches me more and more what that looks like.
Thanks for joining me on this journey this month. It’s been fun for me, and I hope you’ve come away with some things to think on.
Happy Friday! Happy end of October!
And, stay tuned for more info on my new blog coming soon…
This is Day 31 of a series: Made to Pour, Living a life of Blessing