Five Minute Friday :: Try
Happy Friday! Today is especially exciting for me because I get to meet my newest niece! My sister and her husband had their first baby (read the birth story here) almost two months ago now, and we’re heading for a quick weekend visit to meet this precious girl and spend time as a family.
Also, my oldest girls have been with my parents all week, so I’m excited to be reunited with them and hear about all of their adventures with “Nini and Granddad”. Mason and Jennavieve have especially missed their big sisters and have asked about them often. I love that my children are such good friends.
Okay, so a few weeks ago I participated, for the first time, in Five Minute Friday. Kate Motaung gives a word prompt and then we’re challenged to write on that topic for five minutes. This is a good practice for me to fine tune my writing skills, so here we go….
I’ve reached that point in my pregnancy where sleep is interrupted. Not by bathroom issues but by insomnia.
This is always the worst part for me. Tossing, turning, discomfort, and nothing I can do about it. Sometimes I’m tempted to pull out a book to read, but in an effort to not wake up my husband, I choose to just lie there instead.
And that’s when my mind begins to run with all the thoughts from the day.
Good memories from a day can be fun to recall, but lately I’ve found myself struggling with anxiety during those awake hours in the middle of the night.
“How are the kids going to handle being in public school?” “What if I don’t get all the registration papers filled out the right way?” “What if our house doesn’t rent out soon?”
A million thoughts have been flooding my mind and I have found myself trying to figure all of these things out in the middle of the night.
The middle of the night is no time to figure out anything. But even more than that, I am not God.
I cannot make anything happen.
Try as hard as I want to, these issues are out of my control. And, yet, I keep working and striving, putting together as many plans as possible to try and make things go smoothly in our life.
This is not the way to know God and follow Him.
Psalm 46:10 says, “Cease striving….”
Stop doing and working on my own.
“...Be still and know that I am God.”
So, I’m trying to pray and release my fears and concerns to God. Sitting down in my soul, if you will, to leave my cares in the hands of the Lord.

Jenny Reese Clark
I usually don’t refer people to reading my blog when commenting on theirs, but I will say control or our lack there of is discussed in mine as well. If you have a chance, you should take a look. Though our circumstances look different, they are very much alike. I’m going to pray for our sweet surrender this morning. God bless and wish you the best in all things.
really good post. congrats on your precious new niece.
Hi I’m visiting from FMF (#32). Our posts went on similar lines- God is teaching me a lot right now about letting go of trying to control everything but instead being still and trusting him. I love your phrase “sitting down in my soul”- that’s definitely what I need to learn to do.
Jenn A
Encouraging post! Thanks!
The middle of the night really is not the time to be making decisions. I hate when my brain won’t shut off. God does provide and care for us. May you and all of us trust in that promise. Visiting from FMF where I’m parked in the #11 spot.