For Your Weekend: Thoughtful Reads
Saturday mornings have become some of my favorite times, especially ones like today when all the children are still sleeping at 6:45 and the house is quiet. Saturday is the only day of the week that I don’t set an alarm, but my internal clock still gets me up by about 5:15. My coffee in hand, I nestle into my favorite chair in the den and read, reflect, and pray that God would open my eyes to see what He has in store for me today. I want my heart to be soft and teachable. I want to be willing to serve and love without expecting anything in return. I want to have fun with my family and get things done. Most Saturdays have bumps, arguments, and more messes than I would like. They aren’t always the ideal days that I imagine.
But Sunday is coming. Tomorrow is our reset day. An opportunity to shift gears in our hearts and minds as we reflect on God, His Word, and the rest that He offers in Sabbath.
I’m just beginning to re-understand the importance of setting a day apart for rest and refreshment, and what that should look like for me and my family. But it’s starting to take shape, and for me it begins with how I spend Saturday. And what used to be a day that I dreaded has now become a day that I look forward to because I know that I’m making plans for a set-apart day tomorrow.
Because this week has been marked by more feelings of failure than accomplishment, particularly in my mothering, this post on what my kids need to see in me was such an encouragement.
Sometimes I struggle to accept the season of life I’m currently in, wanting more or wanting something different. But Sarah reminded me that fall isn’t summer and that’s okay, and I don’t need to walk someone else’s path, I just need to be patient with mine.
Being a part of social media this week has made me feel even more strongly about the importance of rooting ourselves in God’s Word. We can read a lot of things, listen to a lot of people, and gain valuable insight. But we must filter everything through the lens of God’s Word. Brittany has a beautiful post that would be helpful to read.
Food has a way of bringing people together, showing love, and offering glimpses of Jesus to those we share it with. Emily shared some beautiful stories about food and it made me think about the many ways that people have given and shown love to me through the act of bringing meals, cookies in the mail, and inviting me to dine around their tables.

Happy Saturday, friends. May your day be intentional, full of love, centered around the gospel, and for the glory of God.