Fruit Crisp – NOT from Scratch

The other night my older sister and I were craving something for dessert that we could sink our teeth into.  Since we’re at the beach with limited ingredients, and a lack of desire to bake something complicated, we decided to make this fruit crisp.  It hit the spot so I decided to share it with you!

Rare are the occasions when I will post a recipe that is not from scratch.  But, this recipe is SO easy, delicious and I can’t NOT put it on here.  I got the recipe from my mom, who got it from her mom, so they get the credit for this delectable treat!

Oh, and sorry but there are no pictures because we already devoured it 🙂

2 cans pie filling (cherry, apple, blueberry, peach)
1 box yellow cake mix
1 1/2 sticks of butter, melted

Preheat your oven to 350.  Lightly grease an 8×11 baking pan.  Dump in the pie filling.  Sprinkle the cake mix evenly over the top.  Drizzle the melted butter on top of all, covering as much of the cake mix as possible.  Bake for an hour, until the cake mix is golden and not gooey.  Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.

Can it get any easier than this?