• Day 23 :: 10 Ways to Bless your husband

    The first person in my sphere of relationships is my husband.  He comes before my children, my parents, my siblings and my friends.  And often he gets the leftovers.  I don’t want this to be the case.  So, I asked him the other day:  “What do I do that blesses you?”  The post you see here is a result of that conversation, just in my own words.   Trust him.  I am constantly having to relinquish what I think is best in order to trust my husband.  We do things differently.  But when I push my way on him I only build a wall between us that causes frustration on…

  • Day 22 :: Baked Goods are always a blessing (Best Brownie Recipe)

    One of the easiest ways to bless someone might be to simply bake some treats and take them to a friend, a neighbor, your co-workers.  And not just during times of sickness or if there’s been a birth in the family, although meals at those times are needed.  What about the people who are always the ones to bring the meals to others?  Maybe they could use a little sweet surprise in their day.  Giving someone something ‘just because’ might be the thing they need to feel encouraged and loved.   Again, it’s going out of my way to think of others before myself and serve them in love. Brownies…

  • Day 21 :: When you don’t know who to bless

    Thinking about ‘being a blessing’ can be pretty overwhelming.  Does anyone remember that little song, “Make me a blessing”?  It’s really a prayer, asking God to help us be a blessing to someone who needs something.  I googled this song to try and find the words, and I was surprised to find that there are many songs with this same title.  The one I’ve pasted here was written by Fanny Crosby.   I like the fact that the desire here is to bless others out of the Spirit’s leading.  This is what I talked about last week in a blesser being someone who walks in the Spirit and displays the…

  • Day 20 :: The blog post YOU are going to write

    On Saturday I introduced you to some people who have been blessers in my life.  By no means did that list contain all of the people that have blessed me throughout my life!  In fact, as I continued to think about it, many more individuals came to mind.  It’s fun to look back and remember how God has used various people throughout my life to impact me in one way or another. source If you haven’t taken a minute to think through the blessers in your life, I’d encourage you to!  It’s a great exercise and you’ll come away from it with a thankful heart. Before I press on in…

  • Day 18 :: Meet some amazing blessers

    In coming up with practical ways to bless others, I started thinking through the people who have blessed me.  And when I thought about the practical things they did that blessed me, I had to ask myself:  Why was that a blessing? If I want my life to be a blessing to others I probably need to start blessing in the ways that I have been blessed. These friends of ours…I can’t even begin to tell you all the ways they have blessed us over the years.  From monetary gifts, to a camera, to bags of goodies on my front door after having babies, taking our photos, talking through major…

  • Day 17 :: The key to being a blesser

    I barely made it onto the girls’ basketball team my senior year in high school.  I’m pretty sure the only reason I got on the team was because I was a senior.  I had switched schools that year, so I was the new girl, and what they didn’t know was that I had been point guard on the team at my previous (very small) school.  So, there I was a former MVP, sitting the bench and panting my way through every practice.  I couldn’t keep up with the suicide drills, I missed most of my lay-ups (which meant 10 push ups for every miss) and I could hardly walk by…

  • Day 16 :: Blessing the Lord is living a life of obedience

    We’re halfway through October, and so halfway through this series: Made to Pour, Living a life of blessing. A little wrap-up: Blessing the Lord is a kneeling of my soul to acknowledge God, fixing my soul on who He is as God, praising Him even when I don’t feel like it, when life is hard, and when I’m waiting on Him for some kind of blessing.   To summarize:  blessing the Lord with all that is within me is continually living a life of praise and worship to God out of my belief in Him and love for Him. “Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of…

  • Day 15 :: Blessing can come in the Waiting

    Right now we’re living in a townhouse that isn’t my favorite. Most of my pretty things are packed away, the windows are bare, the bathroom door is off so that I have room to bathe my children. Our relationships are few; we rarely have plans on the weekends. We’re living in a time of transition. We knew in moving here that we’d be here for only 7 months, but we felt it best to come as a family. Bradley is in school, and once he graduates we’ll be moving on to another place. And we don’t know where we’re going. Here we are less than three months from his graduation…

  • Day 14 :: How my skinny jeans, boots and a black sweater taught me to bless God

    Sometime between my first and third pregnancies skinny jeans became popular.  It took awhile for me to appreciate this look, but eventually I liked it.  However,  I was pregnant for five Christmases in a row and there was no way I was going to try this trend with the extra pounds that came from all of my babies. Last winter was my time.  And I was ready to brave the new ‘me’.  My mom had given me some boots and a black sweater that actually made me feel not quite so post-partum.  I bought some skinny jeans and was all set to make my debut to the annual ladies’ event…