• How to Move Big Pieces of Furniture

    Today is just a quick little tip for you!  If you’re like me, moving furniture is not always something that you plan.  Sometimes you just get in the mood and need to rearrange.  I’ve been known to move dressers while very pregnant {probably not the best idea}, and oh, how I wish I had these little helpful things back then! Bradley’s parents gave us a little gift for helping out in their basement redo this summer, and we put it to use right after we got home.  Our Master Bedroom was the main project this past summer, and the last little thing we did was to rearrange some pieces in…

  • End Table Meets Paris Grey

    This summer I visited Studio Eleven, near my parents’ home, and purchased a sample size of ASCP in Paris Grey.  I knew I wanted to use it on an end table in our Family Room, but it’s taken me just a few months to get around to it. I had read that a small jar of this would definitely cover an end table, but I was still a bit skeptical.  You would be amazed at how far this paint goes! I was able to cover the entire table, plus had enough left over for another project {will share with you next week}, and hopefully just enough for yet another small…

  • Sunburst Mirror with Wooden Shims, Neiman Marcus Knockoff

    The project I’m sharing with you today is me jumping on the sunburst mirror bandwagon only about two years behind!  I’ve gone back and forth in my mind about making one of these, and when I started thinking through our Master Bedroom project, I decided that over the bed would be the perfect place for a large mirror.  I prefer a simple approach to decorating, so one piece of art above the bed, rather than a gallery wall of sorts, seemed like a good solution. I am so happy that I went with this option!  It’s exactly what I was picturing, and I’m loving it!  I followed Thrifty Decor Chick’s…

  • DIY Drapery Hardware

    Finding the proper hardware to hang window treatments is always a challenge.  The nice ones are pricey {ranging from $20-$100} and the cheap ones are never the right size.  There are three windows in our Master Bedroom, so if I was going to put in the kind of hardware I wanted, I was looking at spending more money on the hardware than I did on my drapes {read about the drapes here}. Instead of spending a ton of money, I decided to purchase some materials and put together my own hardware. 1. Purchase materials from Lowe’s {or hardware store of your choice}.  These were found near the building materials.  I…

  • Sometimes it’s the Little Things

    BEFORE: DURING: AFTER: Much better, don’t you think?  It only took about 5 minutes to remove it, but it made such a difference!  That iron piece bugged for over a year before I finally did something about it. Is there anything quick and little that you can tackle today??

  • How to Customize Store Bought Drapes

    Decorating our Master Bedroom has been a challenge for me, as I’m trying to do it on a very tight budget, and I’ve had difficulty deciding how to go about it.  Last week I shared with you the paint color, and a peek of the fabric that I used for my window treatments.  Today, I’m sharing my new drapery panels. For months I searched for the perfect fabric to make some drapes.  The fabric I loved was a gorgeous paisley and for a mere $45/yard, I could have some beautiful panels.  Why is it that I always like the expensive fabrics??  There was no way I could afford that, so…

  • Project Master Bedroom

    One of the last rooms in our house to finally get some decor is our Master Bedroom.  We’ve been living with the builder grade paint, no window treatments, nothing on the walls, and no coordinating bedding since we moved in.  Last summer, we purchased some furniture that Mother-in-law found at an Estate Sale.  We are so thankful for it and got a super deal, but it was a king-size bed, so I only bought some sheets and a cotton blanket on clearance until we could decide what we wanted to do in there and have some money to make it happen. I found some fabric that I liked at my…

  • Bringing Annuals Inside

    Summer is coming to a close which means colder times are on the way.  I’ve enjoyed my annual plants this year, but most of them are getting ready to be done for the season.  In the latest Martha Stewart Living magazine, they had a great idea: bring in your annuals and pot them inside! They may not last all winter, but this will at least give them a bit more life.  AND, you can enjoy looking at them from inside your home. We tried it with a dahlia.  This little one is struggling to survive, but after a good pruning the other day {and removal of a very hungry caterpillar},…

  • Family Room Preview & Small Plans

    Happy Monday!  Today I wanted to share with you some pictures of our Family Room, a spot that hasn’t received much attention on this little blog.  I haven’t done any major projects in here, and don’t have any on the horizon, but thought it was time to show you how it’s been shaping up and let you know some of the things I have planned. Our sofa was purchased with a monetary gift when we got married and I love it; it’s the most comfortable couch ever.  The color is not what I would choose at this stage of life, but I’ve tried to lighten it up a bit with…

  • Modern Safari Nursery Reveal

    It’s been 3 1/2 months since our little guy was born, and today is the day that I can finally reveal to you the nursery!  Some of this space has evolved over time as I’ve finished putting together the last projects.  You may remember my nursery inspiration and then my mood board that I shared with you.  Then, I shared some fabric choices.  We weren’t sure the gender of the baby, so I went with a color scheme that I believe is gender neutral, and had decided that once the baby was born I would make it more gender appropriate with accessories, etc.  Well, we had a boy, {you can read his…