Thirteen Words for the New Mom



Those first few days and weeks with a newborn are some of the most difficult and wonderful ones you will ever experience.  May these words, listed out as part of a Five Minute Friday, give you hope and encouragement.


Rest as much and as long as possible. 

Receive offers of food and help.

Ask for help when you need it.  No one expects you to be a superhero.

Renew your mind with the truth of God’s Word.

Rejoice in the gift of new life.

Reflect on the delivery of your baby.

Persevere in the midnight feedings and hormonal challenges.

Believe that the promises of God are true for you today.

Come to Jesus with your weary soul.

Know that you are loved and carried by a Good Shepherd.

Abide in Jesus every moment.

Delight in the good gifts from your Heavenly Father.

Savor your baby during these long, hard, tiring days.