Weekend Links


This weekend, may we find joy in the journey, peace in the midst of uncertainty, hope in our desperation, and delight in the Lord.  May we be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry.  May our hearts be tuned into the needs of others, laying aside our own wants in order to give selflessly that we might point others to Jesus, the One who came not to be served but to serve.


A few roundups from around the world of the internet…

Julie shared their most recent living room look.  David and Julie recently adopted two precious little boys, which means their family went from 4 to 6 in a matter of a couple weeks!  So, Julie has been working to make their home functional, welcoming and organized with the added little people.

Mary Beth has been one of my favorite internet people for several years.  I’ve never met her, but I know that if I did, we would be instant friends and have much to talk about.  She had a blog and business for several years, but took a break for a time.  Just this week she launched her new business, Rosemary Wild, based in Atlanta.  She’s an amazing photographer and wordsmith.  If you don’t follow her on Instagram, you need to.  Her pictures and words are inspiring and encouraging on countless levels.  I’m so excited to see what the Lord does through her new business adventures!

Believe it or not, Bradley and I almost broke up over a discussion on church membership.  That was nearly 10 years ago, but I remember that conversation vividly.  Perhaps because of that memory, or maybe because we just completed the membership process at our church here in VA, and are officially joining tomorrow, but I found this article on Desiring God to be excellent.

Susanna is a recent find of mine.  I enjoy her writing, her recipes, her photography, and her heart.  Her post this week about capturing our homes in the midst of everyday life was beautiful.  I’m looking forward to following her hashtag on Instagram #capturinghome and hope to also take the challenge of embracing the everyday ‘messes’ that are truly beautiful.

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I have the blessed with the privilege of being on another launch team for a new book coming out in September.  Kristen Strong, a blogger and writer for (in)courage has written a book called Girl Meets Change: Truths to Carry You through Life’s Transitions. I can’t wait to dive into this book, which should be arriving on my doorstep any day now!  Kristen wrote a beautiful post this week that I wanted to share with you, and I’d also encourage you to pre-order a copy of her book.  If you’re going through a change in life, or have gone through one, or know someone who is going through change, then this book is for you.  You can also follow along on Instagram with a community of change-goers using the hashtag #girlmeetschange .

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*Linking up with Revisionary Life*