Weekend Links for the New Year
There is what the weather folks are referring to as a BLIZZARD happening outside right now. We braved the cold and I think lasted all of 25 minutes. The clothes are drying and the kids are warming up for another round at some point today. Like all unseasoned snow people, we have milk and bread, plenty of toilet paper, and we rushed to the library the other night so everyone could stock up on books. But mostly I have supplies for baking–homemade pizza, cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip cookies–and a box of Starbucks hot chocolate that I’ve been hoarding for such an occasion. Some might say I have a romanticized version of a snow day. We don’t get a lot of snow here in coastal Virginia, so the kids are excited and we’re just hopeful the power doesn’t go off.
The first week of January is over and if you’re like me it feels good to be back in a routine, but at the same time stretching to try and relearn how to do school, homework, bedtimes, and alarms. We’ll get there, friends. So, let’s give some grace to ourselves and keep pressing on, one thing at a time.
Some great links for you from around the web this week, mostly to do with starting off a new year.
Marian Vischer: Why Taking the Time to Listen May be the Most Fruitful Way to Begin a New Year
Emily P. Freeman: 17 New Books to Read in 2017
Kristen Strong: 17 Ways to Usher Fresh Air into Your Heart and Home in 2017
Kendra from The Lazy Genius Collective: How to Bullet Journal: The Absolute Ultimate Guide
Tim Chester for Crossway: How are your New Year’s Resolutions Going?
Ruth Soukup: How to Create a Financial Plan for the Year Series
And, in the spirit of cleaning out all the things and fresh starts….
For the first time ever, this week I signed up for a subscription service of household supplies. I have heard of Grove Collaborative but had never taken the time to research their products. Well, after I did, I signed up and my first order came yesterday. I paid the same amount (or less) than I would have at the store, it was delivered to my door, and I don’t have to pay attention to whether or not I’m running out of cleaning products that we use all the time. The shipments can come on whatever schedule you want. I chose the default of every two months, which for what I ordered is very reasonable. Some in our home have sensitive skin and sensitive noses to chemical smells, so I’m hopeful that this will eliminate some troubles.
In case you want to give it a try, here is a referral link for you to use. (I get some $ if you sign up and make an order; a win for us both) For some reason I also think that having better-smelling, nicer looking, and more natural cleaning products will make me clean more. That’s up for debate but it’s worth the gamble.
Happy weekending!

One Comment
Marian Vischer
Hi Lauren. Happy New-ish Year! Thanks so much for having me here! : ) I love your links. And I hope that you and yours are getting back to health. January is the best of times {slow, cozy, hot drinks} and the worst of times {cooped up, sick, dark.}
May grace in its many forms meet you right where you are!