Weekend Links to Encourage your Everyday Life
May your weekend be filled with regular moments that remind you to celebrate the ordinary and embrace the gift of Jesus in your everyday life.
I Returned My Instant Pot and I’m Not Even Sad About It — Mary Carver
The Everyday Mundane and the Favor It’s Doing Us — Amanda Bacon, for the Masterpiece Mom
Secure in His Love — Glenna Marshall
A Prayer for the Anxious Heart — Faith Gibson
On Making Plans and Hearing God’s Voice — Emily P. Freeman
Living Within the Tension — Kristen Strong
And finally, because sometimes a space just isn’t working in your home and you want to do something about it, Myquillin has opened up enrollment for her course Cozy Minimalist. If you’re looking for ways to refresh your home without having to add a lot of stuff or you just need some help in pulling your decorating together, this is the course for you. I was one of her first students, almost two years ago, and I’m still applying the principles I learned.