Blueberry Coffee Cake

Every now and then I pull out the cookbook that was compiled by ladies from the church I grew up in.  I love that as I look through the recipes I see names of women I have known since I was a little girl!   This coffee cake recipe comes from that book and it is easy, sweet and yummy!  It’s baked in a springform pan, so you can get some extra usage out of those pans that normally just sit in your cupboard (unless you love making cheesecakes!).   It is a coffee cake, so technically could be eaten for breakfast; we ate it for a dinner dessert, so take your pick!

2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 cups fresh blueberries
1/2 cup sugar
1/4-1/2 cup chopped pecans (optional-I left these out)
powdered sugar

Grease and flour a 9″ springform pan.  Preheat oven to 350F.  Mix eggs, 1 cup sugar, flour, melted butter and oil.  Pour berries on the bottom of the pan.  Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 cup sugar and then the chopped pecans (if using).  Pour the cake batter over top of this.  The batter will be quite thick.  Spread to cover all of the fruit.  Bake for 35-45 minutes, until top is well browned.  Remove from oven and remove outer ring of pan.  Turn over on to a large plate.  Using a knife, loosen pan bottom from the top of the cake, spreading the topping back into place where needed.  Dust with powdered sugar.

source: A New Taste of Our Heritage, church cookbook

Linking this to Strictly Homemade, Homemade Tuesday


  • Natalie

    As I already told you I love coffee cake! It’s one of my faves and again I’ve never made it. I’m really going to have to make a long list of recipes I want to try from you!

  • Aimee

    I love the new header! I’ve been wanting to do more with photos on my blog, maybe I’ll make that change too. And I also love using the Heritage cook book, those recipes are the best because they’re from real women I know, not executive or private chefs in L.A. or something, although I do love my Food Network chefs too 🙂