• A lesson from shooting stars

    Two weekends ago I attended a women’s retreat with our church.  I still don’t know very many people, so the thought of spending a weekend with 40+ women packed into a beach house was a little bit daunting for this introvert.  But I knew it would be worth it and I was looking forward to making some new friendships, learning from our speaker, and having a respite from my everyday life. And then I found out I had to carpool with a couple of people I didn’t know.  Even more unnerving. My fears about the car ride quickly subsided when we began deep conversation just a few minutes into our…

  • On Waiting for Baby #5

    I feel like I’ve been in denial a little bit about the fact that we’re adding another person to our family.  Yes, I’m pregnant and there’s no denying that.  In fact, my favorite interaction was on my way home from taking the girls to school one morning.  This little boy, who I had never seen before, walked up to me and said, “Hey there Ms….what was your name?  Oh, Ms Washer.”  He then put one hand on my stomach and his other around my back and said, “I see what you got goin’ on there.” Yes, there’s quite a bit goin’ on there and I realized about two weeks ago…

  • When you struggle to be holy

    Our church recently began a study on the book of 1 Peter.  This happens to be one of my favorite books of the Bible, so I was thrilled when they made this announcement several weeks ago. This past Sunday our Pastor preached a sermon from 1 Peter 1:13-21, titled “Connecting Hope to Holiness”.  At the beginning of his sermon he said: “Hope is what liberates us to live a life of holiness.” Holiness doesn’t always feel liberating to me.  Somehow the idea of living a holy life carries with it something that I have to work toward, constantly checking to see whether or not I’m living up to the standard.  Which, by the…

  • When slow feels uncomfortable

    The past few days have been full of sitting on the beach, people-watching, feeling the sand between my toes, staring at coconut trees, and watching my husband cast a fishing line, realizing he most likely won’t catch a thing. If I could use one word to describe the past four days it would be slow. Slow moving.  Slow eating.  Slow getting up in the morning.  Slow decision-making.  In fact, the biggest decisions we have to make each day are where to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.   Sounds great, right?  And it is.  We’ve been looking forward to this vacation for about seven months now.  But it’s been seven years in the…

  • Five Minute Friday : ‘Here’

    This week has been full, in a good sense of the word.  Bradley’s parents are in town visiting, we’ve had several out of the ordinary appointments, a beach play date, and even went on a double date with some out of town friends last night.  Now, here we are and it’s Friday already!  My big girls are heading to Pennsylvania tomorrow with their grandparents and then we’ll follow next week to drop off the little two before we head on our big vacation.  One week from today I will be flying to a kid-less vacation with my husband and I. cannot. wait. Until then, I have some home projects to complete and…

  • Five Minute Friday :: Try

    Happy Friday!  Today is especially exciting for me because I get to meet my newest niece!  My sister and her husband had their first baby (read the birth story here) almost two months ago now, and we’re heading for a quick weekend visit to meet this precious girl and spend time as a family. Also, my oldest girls have been with my parents all week, so I’m excited to be reunited with them and hear about all of their adventures with “Nini and Granddad”.  Mason and Jennavieve have especially missed their big sisters and have asked about them often.  I love that my children are such good friends. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Okay, so…

  • How God’s glory can show up in the midst of change

    Two weeks ago I texted my Mom to share with her that I had finally made some phone calls in regards to the kids’ schooling for next year.  I ended my text with #imabigkidnow This might sound strange, but she knows me well:  I dislike making phone calls. Yes, I am an adult.  But somehow picking up the phone to call someone regarding a business related issue always makes me feel like a kid again.  A kid being taught how to have proper phone etiquette.  Phone calls when I was in middle and high school brought me to tears and my parents would have to force me to pick up the phone,…

  • Five Minute Friday :: HOPE

    A few months ago I was introduced to the blog link-up called “FMF”, Five Minute Friday.  Each Friday, the host Kate Motaung, provides a word, prompting writers to spend five minutes writing on that topic.  I find it intriguing that anyone could write something of value in five minutes, and the thought of participating had me a bit terrified. However, I’ve noticed over the past few months that I’m not in the rhythm of writing I was in last fall.  And I miss it.  So, in an attempt to get back into a rhythm I’ve decided to join in on these weekly posts.  You will perhaps read some things that…

  • The Unseen Work

    We’ve been living in our home in Virginia now for about three months.  I’ve spent more time on Pinterest in the past few months than I have in the past year, trying to get ideas for decorating and creating a home that we love.  My mind has been busy with paint colors, curtain options, gallery walls and throw pillows.  And it’s been fun; I love creating a home and always look forward to decorating. But do you know what I realized?  I don’t need gallery walls and throw pillows right now, I just need clean bathrooms and organized closets. It’s easy to work on the stuff that I’ll see every day–the…

  • How decorating a room taught me to quiet my heart

    I was 22, fresh out of college, and living in Jordan when I set up my first apartment. I arrived in the country with two suitcases’ worth of belongings for a year’s stay. Most of that was clothing, but I managed to squeeze in three small items to make my place feel homey: good smelling hand soap, a little throw blanket and a fragrant candle. I had visited enough places overseas to know that pleasant smells and bits of cozy are a necessity. My apartment was small but adequate, with one bedroom, a living room/eating area, tiny kitchen and bathroom. I didn’t need much, but I knew that I wanted…