Framed Initials

This morning when I got up I made a list of some projects that have been hanging over my head for a LONG time.  During my sleepless nights these days {pregnancy induced insomnia} one of the things that keeps me awake is thinking about unfinished projects.  So, in hopes of eliminating some lack of shut-eye, I’ve been tackling my list today!  Most things really only took about 5 minutes to accomplish, so it was easy to do in between coloring and tea parties with the girls.

The first project was to finally hang something up in the girls’ room.  This project is so easy and I love how it turned out!

My original inspiration came from a Ballard Designs catalog, where they had framed a large letter.  I like the size and texture of the letters you can purchase from Ballard Designs, but was not keen on spending the amount of money that they cost.

A friend had given me some frames leftover from her mom’s yard sale; I purchased some samples of paint at Home Depot that were on sale for $.50; using a coupon at Joann’s during their coupon madness a few weeks ago, I purchased the first letter of each of the girls’  names.

Here’s how you can make your own framed initial:

1. Find a wooden frame that is large enough to hold a letter plaque.  Remove the glass and backing.

2. Stick some thumbtacks into the backside of the frame, to keep it elevated while painting.

Found this trick via Pinterest!

3.  Paint as many coats as needed on your frame to create the look you’re going for.  {I didn’t sand mine, but it probably would’ve been a good idea for more even coverage; I’m impatient}.

I loved this paint!  Martha Stewart samples are a bit larger and there is a brush attached to the top of the lid.

4. Allow the frame to dry completely.  Center it on your wall and hang the frame.

5. Attach a hook to the back of the letter {if there isn’t one already} using hot glue or gorilla glue.  Hang it centered inside of the frame.

My girls now have a personalized little piece of art above their beds, and they were so excited about them!  They both know their letters and sounds, and the letters of their first names are of course their favorites, so this project makes Mommy and daughters happy 🙂

 Disclaimer:  I did not complete this entire project this morning.  The frames have been painted and sitting in the garage for almost a month now, so it was just a matter of hanging them up and getting the letters ready.